An applicant by examination who has never taken the national exam is eligible for a Temporary License.
Temporary Licenses are issued only after all requirements for licensure have been met with the exception of a score report for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE), and the appropriate affidavits have been submitted along with the Temporary License fee. Registration for the NPTE must be verifiable before a temporary license will be issued.
A Temporary License is valid until issuance of the permanent license, or until the last day of the third month after the month the license is issued. For example, a Temporary License issued on May 21st would be valid until August 31st unless the permanent license is issued sooner.
If the applicant fails the exam, the Temporary License is void and must be returned to the Board when notification of failure is received.
Required ItemsIn addition to meeting all of the required items for licensure with the exception of a score report for the NPTE, the following items are required for a Temporary License:
Temporary License Fee: PT = $80, PTA = $60
Registration for the NPTE must be verifiable before a temporary license will be issue
An applicant with a temporary PT or PTA license must have onsite supervision when providing physical therapy services by a PT licensed in Texas and working at the same location.
The supervising PT who signs the affidavit must work at the facility where the temporary licensee is working.
If the PT who signed your supervisory affidavit is unavailable, you may be temporarily supervised by a different PT without sending in a new affidavit.
If you have two jobs, you must have a supervisory affidavit on file with us showing that a PT at each job has agreed to be your supervising PT.
If you have one job, but work in more than one facility, you only need one supervising PT as long as that PT is also working in each facility.
If your supervising therapist is no longer working at the same facility, you need to submit a new supervisory affidavit.