Living on Campus

Living on campus is not only convenient, but it's also a great way to be connected to the greater Bethel community. Bethel has several residence halls to choose from and delicious dining options.

a student uses her computer in a common area on campus

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Living on Campus

Why Live on Campus?

The College Experience

Being immersed in the Bethel college experience helps you meet more diverse people and become exposed to different backgrounds, gain new experiences through campus events, and explore a few interests you might not have known you had.

Prime Location

Living on campus is the closest you’re going to get to classes. This means, less time commuting and more time hanging out with friends, a few extra minutes of studying before an exam, grabbing a bite to eat, and just doing the things you want to do.

Home Away from Home

Whether home is in a faraway city or just up the road from McKenzie, it’s important to become comfortable with your new surroundings. Make morning memories in the courtyard or plan late-night hangouts with a friend down the hall. And as time goes by, home away from home will just become home.

several students playing <a href=cards in a dorm room" width="" />

Housing Options

Living on campus has a whole host of benefits, explore Bethel's residence halls and decide which one fits you best.

students eating lunch in the cafeteria

Dining at the Café

The Café is the central dining facility for students living in residence halls and offers all-day dining.