The Department of Finance is responsible for revenue collection, utility billing, tax and parking enforcement, administering employee payroll, benefits and safety; risk management and accounting and financial reporting.
Chicago Business Direct is the City’s new and improved platform that combines all of your city tax and license needs in one place. Business owners, and/or their legal representatives, may apply for City of Chicago business licenses, renew business licenses, file tax returns, and make tax payments online. To pay and file your taxes using Chicago Business Direct, you will need a user profile. If you are an owner or officer of a business account and have an active user profile under the Chicago Business License Application System (CBLAS), you will not have to create a new profile. As a business owner or officer, your profile will automatically be linked to your business account(s) and you will have access to all tax and license services. If your business is not required to be licensed and/or you are a new user, you must create a new user profile to log in to Chicago Business Direct. Account numbers and PINs will no longer be used to file tax returns and make tax payments online. As a business owner you may also grant another person the ability to pay and file taxes on your behalf, provided they have an approved user profile (Sample authorization letter). Creating a user profile is fast, easy, and secure. If you would like to search Chicago business tax ordinances, please click on the following link: Search for Chicago Business Tax Ordinances To get started with Chicago Business Direct, please click on the icon below.