Water to waste, MCG now has 5 helplines to address complaints

Water to waste, MCG now has <a href=5 helplines to address complaints" width="" height="" />

Gurgaon: From sewage and water to garbage, horticulture, and C&D waste, MCG rolled out five helpline numbers to address municipal and civic grievances.
To lodge complaints related to garbage, sewage overflow , water scarcity, construction and demolition waste, horticulture waste, and stray cattle, residents will have to send photos and locations along with their complaints on WhatsApp numbers for the MCG staff to resolve them.

The WhatsApp numbers? 7840001817 for complaints related to sewage and water, 7290097521 to raise issues on garbage, 7290088127 for C&D waste, 7290076135 for horticulture waste, and 7290075866 for complaints related to strays including cows, and dogs, monkeys, etc.
The helpline number to raise concern about unattended animals, especially stray cows, and dogs, spotted on the arterial roads and internal roads of the sectors, was launched in Dec last year.

“Intending to reduce traffic disruptions, property damage, or safety risks to the community, last year we introduced the helpline number for complaints related to stray cattle,” said the MCG commissioner Narhari Singh Banger.
Welcoming the move, the residents said that it is a good initiative to introduce separate helpline numbers, but it will benefit the residents only when MCG has dedicated staff to ensure these complaints are resolved in a time-bound manner as most complaints regarding sewage overflow, C&D waste dumping, and

garbage disposal goes unaddressed for months.
Expressing concern about the WhatsApp numbers being operational in the long run, Jayant, a resident of Sector 65, said “Launching helpline numbers is a good decision, however, it will only make sense if these numbers work, and the complaints of the residents are resolved.”
Sanitation workers in the city had been on strike since Oct last year, which left the city in a civic mess for months.
They had been demanding to call back 3,480 outsourced workers, who were rendered jobless due to the new sanitation tenders, regularisation of workers, creation of more posts on the basis of existing population, end of the contractual system of hiring sanitation workers, among others.
The strike was called off earlier this year.
However, MCG’s waste collection concessionaire Ecogreen stopped doorstep and secondary garbage collection last month citing outstanding payment by the civic body. They too, later, called off the strike.