Additional information on the proper procedures to be followed by a notary public in the State of Florida can be obtained as follows, free of charge:
For any questions concerning these manuals or detailed legal questions, please telephone the Governor’s Notary Section at (850) 245-6975.
New Florida Notary Applicants are required to complete a 3-hour online course. We provide free access to this course upon completion of the required NOTARY APPLICATION .
ACKNOWLEDGMENT – The declaration of a person described and who has executed a written instrument that he executed same.
ADDENDUM – A separate written addition to a contract or agreement.
AFFIANT – A person who makes and subscribes his signature to an affidavit.
AFFIDAVIT – A signed statement, duly sworn to by the the affiant, attesting to the truth, to the best of his knowledge, of the facts in a document.
ATTEST – To certify as true.
ATTORNEY-IN-FACT – A person legally authorized to execute specific types of instruments for another person, corporation, etc.
DEPOSITION – The written testimony of a witness taken out of court under oath before a notary or other person authorized to take it.
EXECUTOR – A person names in a will to carry out the provisions of the will.
FELONY – A crime punishable by death or imprisonment in state prison.
FRAUD – A cheat; an act of trickery to delude a person into a false sense of well-being, enabling another person to gain dishonestly.
JURAT – “Sworn to before me this _______ day of ______, 20__.”
LIEN – A lien is placed on property to establish prior rights and indicates a debt.
MISDEMEANOR – Any crime other than a felony.
PERJURY – A false swearing under oath.
Couple must have valid license.
(Man should stand on woman’s right, and the notary public asks the man as follows:)
“___________________ , do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony; to love, honor, comfort her and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her as long as you both shall live?”
(Man answers “I do.”)
(The notary public asks; the woman as follows:)
“____________________ do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in the Holy Estate of Matrimony; to love, honor, comfort him and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him as long as you both shall live?”
(The woman answers “I do.”)
Follow the same steps outlined above for “becoming a notary public.” No education course is required for renewal notary commissions. However, the education course is required if notary commission expiration date is over 10 years old.
New and renewal commissions are both 4-year terms. New and renewal notary commission are processed within 10 business days or less.The 3 hour online education course is offered after completion of our notary application. There is no additional fee for the class.
A $7,500 notary bond is required to be a Florida notary. Should a notary be negligent in his/her duties, the injured party can collect up to $7,500 in compensation from the surety company providing the bond. The surety company would then seek compensation from the notary for damages. Errors & Omissions Insurance would pay for these damages up to the insurance policy limit that is purchased by the notary.
Yes, you can be sued for negligence as a notary. Errors and omissions insurance would pay your claim (up to the limit of the policy) because of any negligent act you commit while notarizing a document. E&O insurance can be purchased in addition to our notary package.
The State requires original signatures on the application form, but will accept faxed copies for the education course certificate.
You should report a lost or stolen stamp to the Department of State in writing.You need to send a name change form and payment of $52 to our office within 60 days of your name change. We will update your records with the State and provide you with a new stamp and commission certificate. You may continue to notarize documents in your old name until your updated stamp is received.
You can notarize a document for anyone EXCEPT your mother, father, son, daughter, spouse or yourself. Also, you may not notarize any documents for which you may have a financial interest or are a party to the underlying document.
Yes, you can perform a wedding for anyone (including family members) who has a valid Florida marriage license. You may charge up to $30 for the ceremony, plus an additional fee for travel expenses.
You can charge up to $10 per signature for general notarial acts like signatures, acknowledgments, verbal oaths, affirmations, and jurats. In the state of Florida, you may perform a remote online notarization (RON) which uses audio/visual technology to perform a notarization. The cost for RON service is $25 As a notary public you can also perform wedding ceremonies for Florida residents with marriage licenses which costs $30. Notaries can also charge for travel time. The law does not outline any cost limitations. Therefore, a notary can charge a travel fee as long as the signer is aware of this and the travel fee is billed separately from the notary fee.